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How Important is it to Choose Manufacturer Approved Accident Repairs?
19 May

How Important is it to Choose Manufacturer Approved Accident Repairs?

How Important is it to Choose Manufacturer Approved Accident Repairs?

Chesterfield Rotherham Manufacturer Approved Accident Repairs So, you’ve had an accident and it’s time to think about a repair. Unfortunately, even the very best of drivers may find themselves in this situation at some point. Providing you’re unscathed yourself, getting your car fixed after an accident is no doubt your priority. As accident repair specialists in Chesterfield and Rotherham, we always recommend having your repairs carried out at a manufacturer approved accident repairs centre.

Benefits of Manufacturer Approved Retailers

The only way to make sure your vehicle is returned to, or even exceeds, its pre-accident state following any damage, is to take it to a manufacturer-approved repairer. The main benefit of this is that a manufacturer-approved repairer will have a direct relationship with the company that actually built your car. Naturally, they will have a high level of technical knowledge specific to your brand of vehicle, support from the manufacturer itself, and a range of specialist equipment to carry out top-notch accident repair. It’s not just about quality; safety is incredibly important too.

Genuine Replacement Parts

A manufacturer-approved repairer will not only use manufacturer-trained technicians, they’ll also use genuine replacement parts. It may seem like a cost-effective solution to some to use cheaper, non-genuine parts, as some are indeed good imitations. But it’s far more important to choose genuine parts that have been subject to rigorous safety tests, and subsequently been approved by the manufacturer, to make sure that you, your vehicle, and other road users are safe.

Maintain your Vehicle Warranty

Another huge benefit of using a manufacturer-approved repairer for your accident repair in Chesterfield or Rotherham is that you will get a genuine repair guarantee. This means any warranties that are left on your vehicle from when you bought it will still stand. It’s worth remembering that only manufacturer-approved accident repair companies are able to issue genuine repair guarantees.

Crash Repair Rotherham and Chesterfield

CRS (Cosmetic Repair Solutions) Ltd is an independent, manufacturer approved crash repair facility in Chesterfield and Rotherham. We take pride in using factory approved techniques and materials to ensure your vehicles warranty is not affected upon accident repair. We’ll even provide you with a written guarantee on completion of the repair which states that all repairs comply to manufacturer standards. For more info on the accident repair services we offer, as well as general maintenance of your vehicle including alloy wheel refurbishment, car body repairs, or windscreen replacement, contact CRS on
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